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Saturday, May 17, 2014


Meet Ethan~ a super hero and miracle.  7-year-old Ethan has been recently listed for a heart transplant at Shand’s Hospital in Gainesville, Florida. He was born with Hypoplastic Left heart syndrome – in Ethan’s words “half my heart works”.  Ethan has already endured 3 open heart surgeries and many other smaller procedures.  A very special #iheartethan bundle fundraiser is available for those who make a $20 (or more) donation to COTA in honor of Team Ethan H.  Funds are being raised to assist with transplant-related expenses.

I am so happy to be a part of this very special fundraiser for such a brave little boy and his family.  This amazing packet is only $20 and is filled with so many wonderful activities for your classroom.  The money will go a long way in helping Ethan and his family. 

My Best Seller on TPT, All About Me Informational Text Features Book (feedback) is included in the packet.  This entire bundle is a $100 value.  Please head over to Pencils, Glue & Tying Shoes to purchase or click on picture below.  Thank you for your help for this brave family. 


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing!!!! xoxo ~ Jill and Ethan
    Donate $20 here: http://cotaforteamethanh.com/ then forward your receipt to cotaforteamethanh@gmail.com - Thank you!!!!
