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Friday, March 29, 2013

Spring Cleaning Sale

After organizing and cleaning my closet today, I thought I would join in on the fun of more spring cleaning before my spring break ends.  Thank you to Krista at The Creative Chalkboard for the cute graphic.  My entire TPT and TN stores will be on sale Saturday and Sunday. 

If you have something on your wishlist or just need something to get back in the swing of things after spring break head on over and take advantage of this super sale. 

My newest unit Word Family Sentence Scramble is on sale as well as one of my top sellers  Space Adventures in Literacy and Math (it includes an adorable Space Shuttle craftivity).

You can find them both at my TPT and TN stores on sale. 
Have a very happy Easter. 


  1. My kids would LOVE the space adventures for sure! (Like I need another reason to shop! Ha!)

    Rowdy in First Grade

  2. Hey! I just found you from the "other" Tammy's blog :))
    Happy Easter!
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

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