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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

IKEA Frames

It's been a long while since my last post.  This school year has been OVERwhelming to say the least.  Not enough minutes in the day.  I finally put school work to the side (or so I thought) and took a trip to IKEA with the family.  My son and daughter wanted new desks for their rooms.  We chose their desk color and size and then....around the corner I found these A-dorable little frames.   I could hear my son saying "Oh No, more things for mom's classroom!"  How could I pass these up?   

A few of my little cherubs are having difficulty remembering what literacy center they have completed or not completed.  I thought that having a bright visual  might help jog their memories. 
Here they are at our reading and listening centers.
Thanks for taking a peek.