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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Better Late Than Never

I'm finally joining the  Tell Me More Linky Party from Step into 2nd Grade with Amy Lemons.  Doesn't she have the cutest name!

It's been so fun reading about some of my favorite bloggers.  Now here's a little about me.

1.  I've been teaching since January 1993.  My first teaching job was at the elementary school my husband and I attended.  And believe it or not the principal that we had is still the principal now....what?, yes it's true.
I've taught Title One, Third Grade, Second Grade and First.  I'm currently teaching first. 

2.  My husband lived around the corner from me in elementary school and I started dating him when I was a senior in high school.  He asked out my best friend and she asked if I could go along (what a third wheel) but he and I talked all night about growing up in the same neighborhood and going to the same elementary school.  Our first date was August 1983 and here we are in our wedding photo (big hair and all). 

3.  We have two very sweet kids.  Our son will be 16 in a few days and our daughter is 10.  Both of my kids went to the school where I teach.  I only have two more years with my daughter, then she will be off to junior high.  My son  is starting his sophomore year at the same high school my husband and I attended.   My daughter is going into 5th grade and her teacher will be a friend of mine that went to high school with me.

Believe it or not our city is not that small...but, being born and raised here and having a dad that retired as asst. fire chief of our town makes it feel like we know everybody. 

4.  I went to The University of Central Florida and my husband owns his own business.  He's a jeweler and has owned his own store since 1985.  You can take a peek here.  Luckily I am not a big jewelry wearer and own very little.  I had a friend that once said "You should be drippin in gold".  Ha!  Could you imagine....we would be broke.  

5.  My favorite t.v. show is
Love the old time values and small town surroundings.  Just the other day they were complaining that Opie needed to get outside and play more because he was doing "Too much listening to transistor radio".  If they only knew what was to come.

6.  Could eat these in mass quanity. Rarely have them in the house.

7.  Our all time favorite place to visit is Tennessee.   After finding this amazing hotel we just can't get enough of it.  We took our kids to see snow for the first time this past Christmas.  While we were there I overheard a lady talking in the lobby about how she was a teacher in Florida.  I asked where she was from and can you believe she teaches in my district at a school only 15 minutes away from me.  She found the hotel on the internet and said on a whim drove up with her sister.  How strange is that?

The Inn At Christmas Place

Well that's enough about me.  Head on over to join the party.  Would love to hear more about all of you.  If you made it this far and loved my big hair picture give me a shout out...Ha!



  1. What great tidbits about you! My dad was also a fireman. :) I"m your newest follower!

    Second Grade Sparkle

  2. I love peanut butter m&m's! I am not a huge chocolate fan but I love these!
    I nominated your blog for an award...stop by sometime!
    Blessings of Teaching

  3. It is really nice to learn more about you Tammy. You and I both began teaching the same year 1993, I was pregnant for my daughter and she is almost 19!! Your wedding photo is sweet:)
