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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Plants Science Journals

We recently finished our plants unit for science.  We just adopted the National Geographic Series.  Beautiful pictures.  We planted six different cups with seeds. 

Crowded, Not Crowded, Sunlight, No Sunlight, Water, No Water

Then we recorded the plant growth in our science journals.  Turning the notebooks horizontally helped the children draw their vertical lines.  I walked around with a ruler and made the horizontal lines.  We had to wait several days to see any growth, but when we did we had a great time recording what we saw.  We made predictions on the previous page of our journal.  These are some of the pages.

Have a great Halloween tomorrow.  We plan to eat and graph our pumpkin seeds.  We will be using the  pumpkin seed graphing pages from The Inspired Apple....Thanks so much Abby for the freebie!  We also used the Pumpkin Observation Book from Bainbridgeclass.blogspot.  It is an amazing book and it is free.  So well done.  Thank you Christina.  My little kiddos Loooooved it.  I will post pictures tomorrow of both activities.   

1 comment:

  1. Hey, girl!

    I was looking for an email on your site and couldn't find one! Would you mind emailing me at babblingabby(at)gmail(dot)com when you get a sec?

    I do The Ugly Pumpkin in my room, too! And when I saw your link, I just had to say hello!

    Thanks so much and have a great day :)

    ~ Abby
