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Saturday, January 28, 2012

100 Days

Well we finally made it to the 100 Day mark.  I can't believe how quickly this year is flying by.  Several of my centers this week were 100 day projects.  The kiddos made a dalmation using 10 sets of 10 to make 100 dots.  They loved this activity.  Usually the glue creates a sticky mess but they did a great job this time.  I have a parent take home a hole punch and black construction paper to prepare for this one.
100 Day Dalmation.

Then we rolled a die 100 times.  I've done this activity many times and often get "I'm done" after they have played for 5 minutes.   Since ya'll know what a long attention span little firsties have...we take breaks and come back to this through out the day. I actually did it in the afternoon and had it waiting for them the next morning. 

Then we made GORP.  Granola, Oats, Raisins and Peanuts...or if you're from the south...Good Ol Raisins and Peanuts.  I borrowed the big bowl from a kindergarten teacher.  This thing is gigantic ya'll.  We borrow it from her all the time.  The kiddos know exactly where to go when you say "Go get Mrs. B's big pink bowl. 

Our goodies didn't include the peanuts but we did have; goldfish, fruitloops, cheerios, M&M's, popcorn, raisins, and pretzels.

Then they sorted by tens.  Some made neat little piles.   Some rows of 10.  And some just made a messy mish mosh of piles, but understood the concept so all was good in the world. 

 Then the best part we ate our snack.  Everytime you feed them it never fails you always hear "You're the best teacher ever".  Love little firsties. 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

New Addition to the Happy New Year Unit

I have added four pages to my Happy New Year Unit on TPT.  If you purchased this unit please head on over to TPT to download the additions for free.  Just log into your account and there will be a blinking button showing the new download.  If you have any questions, concerns or difficulties downloading the additions please feel free to contact me. 

Have a great weekend.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Love to Joplin Linky Party

As I sat tonight taking a deep breath from a full moon week and Friday the 13th, I came across Ms. Will's Kindergarten Linky Party.   It was so ironic because I was also watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition rebuilding in Joplin Missouri. 

Teachers in the blogging community are coming together to send units to teachers in Joplin.  You can link up here:

Or you can send units directly to : edoennig@joplin.k12.mo.us
Erica, you, all of your teachers and your community are in my thoughts and prayers. 